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Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Le chaos

For as long as I can remember, 
I never knew how to handle my emotions
Whenever things didnt work my way, 
I've always been the first to push the blame
Because i've never seen my inner-self through a mirror
Reflecting a despicable person
Not quite like the yellow, cylindrical minions from "Despicable Me"
I wasn't cute, able to sing nor any of their positive traits
And despite all that,
I was able to feel your genuine love

I knew we wouldn't last forever
And despite priming myself for this day
It breaks my heart still,
Thinking how I used to be yours
But now it all just seems so long ago
Like humans' fueled fascination over Lost Atlantis

I still recall that day,
You left me with an open door
Yet I still feel 
Imprisoned with no key to escape
The all-consuming depths of my aloneness
Is now my only company

As I wait solemnly for the day
I hear from you again
And I hope,
Maybe one day, we'll be better versions
Maybe one day I will be able to look at you, 
Without feeling pain
Maybe one day you'll see my worth
Maybe one day you'll see i've always been there for you
But until then,
I am your mess and you are my chaos!