B-Be your friend until the end.
C-Care about your feelings.
D-Down with you all the time.
E- Encourage to do good things.
F-Faithful to you.
G-Glad to be your friend.
H-Honor you for who you are.
I-Interest doing fun things with you at all times.
J-Joy comes from a real friend.
K-Kind to you.
L-Loves you for who you are.
M-Make you feel better when you’re sad.
N-Never use you.
O-Offer they time to comfort you.
P-Promise you to always to remember you and their friendship.
Q-Question you how your Day is going.
R-Respect you at all times.
S-Satisfied for you when you’re down.
T-Trust you throughout the good and bad times.
U-Understands you and your problems.
V-Visit you everyday.
W-Worry about you everyday.
X- X-pect you to do better always.
Y- Your best friend for eternity.
Z- Zap you always to get your attention if something wrong,